Monday, 20 June 2011

Memories of My School Days: A Message to The Pupils of Sanskrit Collegiate School

                                                'Oft in stilly night
                                                Ere the slumber's chain has bound me,
                                                Fond memory brings the light
                                                Of other days around me.'
                                                                                     -Thomas Moore
I am going to dedicate this post to the teachers and pupils of my school and all my schoolmates. Although I come to know from the stats that my blog has its audience in different countries, I request all the readers to consider this post as a student's memoir.
The high school where I have spent a large portion of my childhood and teenage has a great place in my heart. Sanskrit Collegiate School is one of the oldest schools in India and I take pride in being a student, better to say an alumnus (as I have passed my 12th standard this year) of such a century-old institution. The golden days that surround me at my school cannot be described in language. Every brick of this school is attached with any of fond or sad memories. The teachers helped me to develop a strong foundation in all subjectsand that's why I am able to acquire ranks in the public examinations. Every school renders an important service to enrich the society and my school has been performing this job for about 200 years. I am quite proud of this institution.

Now let me tell something the present pupils of the school. Brothers, you are aware of the rich heritage of our school and I hope that you will be able to maintain it properly and sincerely. You the students, have the power to make the nation pride, have the power to keep the country on the move. You are the future citizens and you have to shoulder the responsibilities for the well being of the nation. As a student of such glorious institution, everyone among you should be very much careful about your studies and and other social duties. You should glorify the institution with your patriotism, patience, devotion to learning, respect to the elders, politeness, honesty and bravery as well. You should be conscious about your behaviour so that the institution may not be ashamed. You should be united and integrated with universal fraternity. You should learn with your hearts so that you can render a great service to the nation in future. You should learn not only to score good in the examinations, but to be  ideal men. Your learning should be attached to your life.Please consider this as a request from an alumnus of your institution and I hope you will try your best to keep it. Wish all of you a grand success in the  upcoming days. Let's move to the light of the knowledge and truth from the darkness of the ignorance.

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